
Science Project - I

Absorption of Pollutants in Different Soil Types

The purpose of this experiment was to determine which polypedon  (type of soil) was most absorbent of liquid pollutants.
The information gained from this experiment will benefit farmers, gardeners and botanists who have soil pollution problems to better understand absorbency in different types of soil

First hypothesis was that the soil with less porosity would be most absorbent.
Second hypothesis was that the more viscous pollutant would be most absorbent.
Based my first hypothesis on the fact that soil with less porosity will have less room for liquids to fill, making the soil allow liquids to sit on top for a period of time.
 Based my second hypothesis on Troy Slobig's statement, which was "Since oil is thicker than gas and antifreeze, it should be absorbed the most."
The constants in this study were:
  • The filter used
  • Amount of pollutants (250 ml)
  • Amount of soil filtered (250 mg)
  • Number of trials on 1 soil type with 1 kind of pollutant (3)
  • Temperature of pollutants (21°C )
The manipulated variable was the type of soil filtered and the kind of pollutant being filtered. Each kind of soil (silt, sand, loam and clay) filtered each kind of pollutant (oil, gas and antifreeze) three times. The responding variable was the amount of pollutants that filtered through the 250 mg of soil.
To measure the responding variable I used a graduated cylinder mL.

Plastic Filter
750mL Sand, Clay
750mL Oil, Gasoline, Antifreeze
30 (16oz) plastic cups
500mL Graduated Cylinder
1 Scratch Paper
Organized Table
Stop Watch or watch with a second hand 

1.) Create a clean and organized area near a working sink or tub of water.
2.) Place 1 plastic cup on the table.
3.) Set filter in the cup so it is sturdy.
4.) Carefully put 250mg of soil 1 in filter.
5.) Accurately measure 250mL of oil in a graduated cylinder.
6.) Pour oil onto soil 1 slowly and steadily.
7.) Once oil is completely out of the cylinder begin timing filtering for 60 seconds with the stopwatch.
8.) After the 60 seconds are completed, immediately remove filter from the cup and set it in the sink. Immediately clean up any spills if you have any.
9.) Once the filter is in the sink pour the remaining oil in the cup, into the graduated cylinder. Record the amount on the piece of scratch paper, but this is not your final measurement.
10.) On the same paper as the recorded measurement, write the following equation: 250 - pollutants remaining = pollutants absorbed, and solve it by filling in the numbers where the variables are.
11.) Record the difference to the equation in step 10 on the organized table.
12.) Repeat steps 1-11 two times with the same pollutant and the same soil.
13.) Repeat steps 1-11 three times with the same pollutant and soil 2.
14.)  Repeat steps 1-11 three times with gasoline and soils 1 and 2.
15.) Repeat steps 1-11 three times with antifreeze and soils 1 and 2.

The original purpose of this experiment was to determine which polyp don  (type of soil) was most absorbent of liquid pollutants.
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